I can do all things through Christ who strengths me. Philippians 4:13

Monday, April 5, 2010

Yes...I'm still training.

Yes...I'm still training. As you can imagine, some days are better than others. For awhile, I was suffering horribly from insomnia. Why is it that I will wake up to the slightest sounds of kids stirring in the room down the hall, yet my husband next to me can get out of bed, get something to eat, etc. and I sleep like a baby through it all?? I guess it's my "Ninja Momma Radar" going off! So night after night, I would wake up at 2 or 3am and be wide awake for 2 to 3 hours...yes, hours!! Seeing how I have to teach kids something during the day, that makes it almost impossible to get up at 5am to train. Working out later in the evening after my hubby gets home with family activities and kids sports, is a futile attempt at best.

During this time, I was freaking myself out wondering if I can actually do this distance. I mean, a half ironman isn't something I can half-heartedly train for, hoping and praying I'm not the last person crossing the finish line. I'm looking at competing hard for 7-8 hours straight...hence the mental anguish and freaking out moments!!

I'm back to sleeping a bit better. I still wake up sometimes. Although instead of ditching my workout, I've decided it's better to get up and train. By the grace of God, I manage to get through the day with a little help from my friend "seriously strong coffee". I fall into bed absolutely exhausted and usually go right back to sleep after hearing my cherubs stirring in their beds.

I've also managed to cut myself some slack. I am not an elite athlete with all the time and resources to train, although I am blessed with many privileges. I have the privilege of managing a family of 7 on my husband's teacher salary, homeschooling our kids, juggling chores, kids/family schedules, church activities and training for a triathlon. I'm going to enjoy this journey. I'm learning so much and still have so much to learn~

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