I can do all things through Christ who strengths me. Philippians 4:13

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two years ago, in what seemed a lesson in futility, I was trying to lose weight. After having 5 kids in 7.5 years, my body wasn't exactly "bikini worthy". Truth be told, I was busting out of the largest size I had ever worn and was determined not to shop at Lane Bryant. One night a friend asked if I was interested in competing in a triathlon with her. Me? The girl who has never possessed any athletic abilities whatsoever? (I'm not being humble friends, I'm being brutually honest.) The girl who HATED P.E. in school?? Heck...I couldn't have run out of a house fire, let alone competed in a triathlon. Besides, aren't triathlons for people who are wafer thin?? However, she had piqued my curiosity and I decided to check it out.

I went home and talked with my hubby. Now you have to understand, if I came home and said I wanted to walk on the moon, my sweet hubby would in all his human ability, try to make that happen. He is my greatest encourager and best cheerleader! After surfing the web, he found a triathlon that was in the town we met and went to college and...it was on our 17th wedding anniversary! How perfect is that?? He got excited and decided to train for it too. So on July 27th 2008, we crossed the finish line hand in hand, our kids and family cheering quite loudly for us and with a finishing time of 2 minutes and 5 seconds under our goal!! From that day on I was hooked!! I've since finished two more triathlons and two half-marathons, bettering my times by 33+ minutes.

As for my weight loss that started this whole journey, I have lost some and am still in the process. I've replaced the "bikini worthy" notion with "I want to be leaner, stronger and faster". I'm not wafer thin, but who really cares anyways?

This year I celebrate a big milestone birthday. In honor of turning the BIG 4-0, I really wanted to do something memorable. I've decided to train for a half ironman triathlon which consists of a 1.5 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 mile run. Crazy, nauseating and exhilirating all in the same breath! Who knew a little homeschooling, housewife, not so wafer thin momma could do something like this. It's okay...me either!:o)

Come join me as I share my struggles, victories, light bulb moments and anything else I might encounter along the way. It should be a fun, crazy adventure!


  1. Hi Deb!! Love it! I'm looking forward to reading your blog!! Awesome so far!


  2. I loved reading your thoughts on this. You give me such hope. Carry on, Deb :) I'll continue to cheer you on, and maybe some day I'll be running along side you!

  3. Yeah you know I'm right there with you! You gotta blog, 'cause you're gonna write abookto inspire other moms, a lot like you! Love you!

  4. "I want to be leaner, stronger and faster"
    That's way better than bikini worthy!

    That's GREAT! Thanks for sharing your story.

    What 1/2 Iron Man are you doing? Andrew is competing in one this year too. It would be awesome if it was the same one and we could cheer you on at the same time.

  5. dang my comment didnt post! Deb ur so ROCKIN'AWESOME sister! u are a shining example of how to do it to it. keep rockin' mama and imma keep reading. love ya *mwuah*

  6. way to go, Deb!! You inspire me :)
